Symbols to my bbm name

BBM extra symbols -
How do i get heart/star symbols to put on. How To Get BB logo in BBM and other. BBM Symbols - How to Add to Blackberry.
How do i get heart/star symbols to put on.
I noticed that some of my contacts have symbols (lightning bolt, spades) next to their names that are not avlbl on the symbols list. Does anyone know how to add these
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How To Get BB logo in BBM and other.
Looking for BBM symbols? We've got all the information you need to quickly add cool new BBM icons to Blackberry Messenger.
This is how to setup them up and get the blackberry logo in the chat like you see in my image:-----After you get the symbols sent to you
Smartphones > RIM BlackBerry Phones some of my friends have received some other symbols wingdings or webdings idk which I would like to know thoi as well for

More Emoticons. We would like to thank a visitor, Marc, who sent us more emoticons for your BBM. In order to download a text file with the emoticons, please click here
18.09.2008 · Best Answer: just copy & paste them. has a whole bunch of the little star things that you can just copy and paste lol thats what i do
Symbols to my bbm name
Symbols to my bbm name
How to add new symbols to bbm name?.Pimp My Ride
Some of my bbm contacts seem to have cool symbols next to their display names, such as a spade and a lightning bolt, i can't find these symbols, and when I try to